Trying to make own app inventor

Funmora Builder Files :arrow_right: appinventor

Something like this should do it:

git clone
cd appinventor-sources
git submodule update --init

substituting your GitHub username where username appears above (assuming you've forked the repo on GitHub) or mit-cml if you're checkout out our sources directly.


I got build succesfull in ant noplay but when I try to host it on localhost:8888 cloud sdk gives me a error

Sure, I will try this @ewpatton

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Why should I clone the app inventor-sources again?
I already have my version...
Is it necessary to do?

That isn't necessary, open the folder in GitBash and check if it has something like Master or Main at the end path display.

No, I haven't seen any branch name.

In my it show me master

Actually I downloaded the app inventor sources from Githyb website 2 months ago, and it was named like this as Faraz_Firoz said. Then inside it was the appinventor-sources folder and I made a New Folder(Funmora Builder Files) and copied that folder and pasted it there.

@SRIKAR_B.S.S can you remove spaces from your folder and try again

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Downloading sources as zip is not a preferred act, It may cause errors,
instead clone it

I faced same, try cloning sources

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Is that work for you after cloning it

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Well, yes in case of Error Not a git repository (or any of parent directories) :git


Thanks for the Solution, I will try it.
Can you please tell about the ant noplay error?
@Faraz_Firoz said ti remove line number 50 in the build.xml is it true, It worked but everyone is telling that it may cause errors in the future.

Can you send error you face on ant noplay

and please dont remove lines from build.xml without knowing if they are default and may break your Ai2 instance

See the first post

We got error in BlocklyCompile
@ewpatton help us

You need to run git submodule update --init

Also git submodule update --init not work

Firstly, dont overtag MIT Folks, secondly,

as @Pradevel said

And for it to succeed, you need to clone repo instead of using sources as zip