Trying to make own app inventor

Have you tried deleting and recloning the sources in other directory? Also check the java -version, javac -version

java -version and javac -version is correct
Sources is of 920 mb if I delete file and re-download it and still if that do not work then my data got waste

You learn from mistakes

UnSuccessful != Waste

There is a proverb in hindi - "Kuch pane ke liye kuch khone bhi padta hai"
Which means you have to loss something to gain/achieve something


Ok I re-download it for you @Know_About_IT , @Techno_Vedang Do you give me guarentee because of my data I have no much data

We are here to help you, not to give guarantee


Once I only want to know why my command do not work Is there any file issue or whatever tel me

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Yeah, it will work if you have enough knowledge of GIT & Ai2 and your all configuration and all the steps are correct


Is this is an environmental problem

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You keep repeating the same mistakes. The error in question occurs because there is a space in your username and, since whitespace is significant, the file names get broken out into pieces that are invalid path names.


We're going in circles. As @ewpatton stated earlier too, you need to change your Windows username to a non-space one.


Why can't this just be fixed? And why does that break into pieces?

As I already stated, in pretty much every shell environment whitespace is considered significant. This is not different on Windows.

The standard *nix thing is to not use spaces in paths so it works fine in our dev, build, and deploy environments. We don't build nor test nor deploy on Windows, so Windows oddities like allowing spaces in usernames aren't a high priority for us to address. You're welcome to submit a fix if you want to support this. If you're planning to run your own distribution of App Inventor at some point you should become familiar with how to address issues yourself.


Hi anyone
How to remove the components because I want the size of the app to be minimum, if needed, we can add.

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From where you want to remove Component

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I think he doesn't want all classes added to the apk. Now the inventor app also adds classes that are not used in the apk.


Can I remove this components, I said.
Because minimum size is 3.33 something and I will remove some components then app size to 3.33mb to 2mb something possible or not

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Yes, you can.

Use Android Studio.


Sorry, I didn't understand. Why would you trying to be reduce the file size BELOW the minimum?