Trying to make own app inventor

Then you should make one and fork the App Inventor Sources repo and complete the command.

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You can also clone it directly without forking
git clone

I don't know if this way is ethical or not

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Ok I do this Is in this we do not need your usernam

mit-cml is the username.

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git clone

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You can have a look here

I used this command in Git Bash

Now I used git submodule update --init in Command Prompt
But still error

@Pradevel I did as you said in your Guide, can you explain about the error.

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Same happening with me

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You should run this command:

In the cloned repository root directory, in your case it should be C:/Users/Harish/appinventor-sources, you can use the cd command to enter it, for example : cd appinventor-sources.

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Run cd appinventor-sources

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@MohamedTamer can you please explain what does cd do?

It's a command which changes the working directory to the path provided as an argument, for example:

This command would change the working directory to the appinventor-sources directory.
You can learn more about it here:


The command cd is for Change Directory. Your current directory is C:/Users/Harish/
running the command cd appinventor-sources will change your current directory to C:/Users/Harish/appinventor-sources

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I have gave him a code in PM which he is ruuning

mkdir appinventor-source1234
cd appinventor-source1234
git clone
cd appinventor
ant MakeAuthKey
git submodule update --init


@MohamedTamer I tried it but still I am getting errors

i dont know java very much , but ig removing a line may cause some error later , not sure though


yes you are right :+1:


This sounds great.
First you try to create advance level extensions without basic knowledge of Java and now you want to create/setup App Inventor with nullable knowledge of GitHub and AI system.


Delete the directory appinventor-sources first
Then follow the guide.
However as @vknow360 told, I think the process would be much simpler if you would learn using git / ant build files.


Hello when I remove 50 number line from build.xml and run ant noplay command then it say me build succesfull