Yes, sorry, I need to fix the copyfile part and I've noticed the rewiting over images thing, but what I mean by "works" is that it successfully saves to the folder stated ^^; sorry for confusion
I don't really have any other devices to test this on; this is a school project and so it doesn't really need to run on devices other than my own. I didn't realize my android version was really old (LOL), I'll update it
What my issue is is that I want to only display images taken from the camera within the app. It doesn't really matter to me whether they are saved to Shared or ASD.
Not....really sure why it works, but this is just the code from before with the camera code added in. I changed the path to "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mitappinventor.aicompanion3/files/" . It doesn't save with the file name from the index (global name) though.
This code takes images with camera, shows them on screen, and saves them to the app folder with the index number as the file name (does not rewrite over images!)
Thank you so much for your help everyone It was hard but I figured it out thanks to all of your help
Waaah, one more problem: I implemented the code into my app (I'm creating an app and this whole thing was just one of the screens) but now it gives me an error when trying to pull images. Can anyone tell me why it's doing this and how I can fix this? It seems like it can find the html code when initializing, but when I try to pull the images it freaks out.