Trying to download some pictures

Olá amigos, poderia auxiliar por favor??
Estou tentando fazer download de algumas imagens, mas estou com dificuldade de buscar a url em um list que estou carregando de um banco de dados, percebi que em segundo plano a variável que criei do list fica vazia.
Como faço para carregar e passar a url através de um loop.

As this is your first post, my guess is, you are not talking about the itoo extension...
I moved your question therefore into its own thread...

Please see here how to ask questions and please provide a screenshot in English of your relevant blocks


Caro amigo Taifun, desculpa se não expressei corretamente, estou tentando ler um list que contém URL no dentro da sua extensão e baixar as imagem, mas não estou conseguindo passar a variável do list, estou postando meu projeto...

first get it running in the foreground, after you got it working there, then try it in the background...

see your error here
and next time please provide a screenshot in high quality and switch the language to English before taking the screenshot

EDIT: also I'm not sure what needs to be done if you use another language... you might have to register another event in your language (which is Clock1.Disparo) instead of the Clock1.Timer event? @Kumaraswamy ?



This is a problem where Itoo cannot work around. These are environment restrictions Itoo works in.

Unless we manually map the component's events and their names, I do not believe we have a solution to solve this language problem. Thus the event names should be specified in English which matches the original Java method names.