Trasmettere una app ad un altro cellulare (how can you send my app to a friend ?)

come si può mandare la mia app ad un amico ?

Upload your apk to your Google Drive and send the download link to your friend


non sò cosa è un apk e non sò come metterlo su google drive :slight_smile:

Do you know how to do a Google search?


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ma su apple non funziona ?



Marco, fai una tua app e non sai cos'è una apk ? difficile da capire...
Android e Apple non sono mai andati d'accordo, la tua ? app non può funzionare su apple.


ho caricato il file su google drive , ma l'altro cellulare che lo ha scaricato non gli funziona la APP

Here is an example of one way. Be aware the QR won't work, it is an example however the QR code you make following the instructions will :wink: .

  1. Compile your app (build an apk) on your PC.

  2. Capture an image of the resulting bar code to share with your friend using the Snip & Sketch Microsoft utility on your PC or capture the screen another way.


  1. E-mail the image of the QR code to your friend.

  2. Your friend can use the barcode that appears in the email (The QR code is valid for 2 hours).

  3. He/she can use his/her phone's barcode scanner to load the app into his/her phone. He/she should scan the barcode and then load the apk onto the Android. This is similar to when you create an apk using Companion by scanning the qr code to load your own app on your phone. Except he/she will use an image QR valid for only 2 hours.

What happens exactly? Any error message? Please elaborate ...
Does the apk work on your device?
