Search for ZIP code with leading zero

Hello, may I ask question?
Your googlesheet with the 012345 had format 'text only' for the cell?


If you mean me, I did not set a format, so it was at default.

Yes and no :slight_smile: Thank you for the info

The Doit result for my seach field is '01' which is correct.
When I set cell format to text in g.sheets and do google search&replace for 01 also the text cell with 01234 is found.
The app search within the google.sheet works in a diffent way.?

Do you mean like this:


Tick Match entire cell contents?

No, nothing ticked / selected in the options.

If you do tick it, it will only match cell contents, and thus only return the cell with 01 in it.

The problem is that I have not only 01 in one cell, ZIP codes contain 4 or 5 digits, just starting sometimes with ZERO. When I tick exact match, I get no result for search'01' and '01*' :frowning:
I thing this sample shows quite good what I am looking for:

Just that the search should be zero one '01'.
Really annoing problem for me as some user already reported via email that a 01 search does result in empty search match.

If you are using gviz, use the LIKE operator

  • like - A text search that supports two wildcards: %, which matches zero or more characters of any kind, and _ (underscore), which matches any one character. This is similar to the SQL LIKE operator. Example: where name like fre% matches 'fre', 'fred', and 'freddy'. (Ensure you use the UriEncode block to properly encode the %)

or use starts with

I don't quite understand what you need, in this example you get the numbers that start with 0 and 01
.If you only want the ones that start with 0, remove the multiplier by 1 and see if it starts with zero.

borrrar_zip.aia (3.1 KB)

Thank you, I will lokk into it this evening (German standard time).
For your reference a snapshot of the google.sheet where the data is coming from for my app. The app should list entries selected by the B colum, PLZ (ZIP code).
I hope it helps and is understandable. :slight_smile:

borrrar_zip_v2.aia (3.7 KB)

Thank you. The try on the mobile was working. But with borrrar_zip_v2 the 01773 is only found when the search field TextBox1 contains the full 01773.
When a 0 (or 01) is in the TextBox, it should be returned alll ZIP codes with 0 (/ 01) then it is perfect.
(I am OoO now for 3 days and might not have the time to check the discussion regulary..)

Hello, within your v2 i replaced the select list item with compare text and thought in the first try it would work, but not all ZIP codes with leading 0 (e.g. 04-not) where found. Also search for other ZIP starting with 7 or 8 didn't work anymore. :frowning: Google sheet has format '00000' in the cells with leading '0' now. Text won't work.

Hello, in this sample, the '01' is not from a input field.
Could it be that the input field loose the 0 in front of the 1 at the transfer to the csv search.?
Sorry, I don't know how to explain better...

Your column B does not look like it is set to text/plain number format ?

Sorry, I don't know how to explain better...

Use pictures if words can't explain it :wink:

Setting in google sheets:

Try setting the entire column to Nur Text. You should see all the numbers left align in their cells.

1 Like

Hello TIMAI2, now it is working.
The problem was that I did set only cell with leading 0 to text format. That will not work.
To set the entire colum B to text format do give the results I want to have.

Conclusion, lesson lerned for me: Format only colums, not single cell - single cell is messup the search.!

Thank you all - and sorry that I did not try this earlier.

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