TMIC: App Inventor Extension for the Deployment of Image Classification Models Exported from Teachable Machine

I used the URL which is generated when we upload the model. Should I try doing that again from scratch?

Hi, yes I would suggest that - you need to export as Tensorflow.js. I just tried your app with a TM model I trained rapidly just for testing (Teachable Machine) and with this model your app terminates running the model. So I guess the problem is related to the model you exported from Google Teachable Machine.

This gets downloaded as a zip file.
How can we use it in MIT App Inventor

Hi you have to upload the Tensorflow.js model and then use the link int the TMIC extension.

I did the whole process again, it worked, Thanks so much for guiding.

I am glad it worked now! :slightly_smiling_face: It would be great if you could share here the working version of your app (.aia), as we are collecting this kind of app as part of our research at the Federal University of Santa Catarina/Brazil. thanks!

Sure ! It is just the first template as we wanted to test it first. Final version will take time. Thanks !!
Plant_disease_detection.aia (469.4 KB)

Thanks! Success with finalizing the app!

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I'm trying to create an app that recognizes letters, but I don't know why it doesn't work.
ShoutOutV1.aia (2.2 MB)
Can someone please help me?

Hi, I tried your app, and it seems again to be a problem with the TM model, as it never stops the classification. You can check this using just for testing a status label the way I did:

I would suggest you try to retrain your tm model and then try again it withing the TMIC to see if the classification stops with this new trained model.

ShoutOutV1 (1).aia (2.2 MB)
Thank you, now it works :smiley:

I am glad it worked now! :slightly_smiling_face: It would be great, if you also could share here the working version of your app (.aia), as we are collecting this kind of app as part of our research at the Federal University of Santa Catarina/Brazil. thanks!