This is a pong game. I have implemented two screens, one for playing the game itself, and the other to reflect game over with the score, and high score.
Problem is that the high score does not save properly. For example, if I were to score 4 in the first try, and score 2 score second on the second try, it would reflect my high score as 2.
I'm trying to implement a 4 second countdown timer (Shows different images every second - 3, 2, 1, Go) before my game begins, which would be activated when the start button is pressed. It doesn't seem to work though.
Rename Clock1 to CountdownClock in the Designer, to make it single purpose, and set it to Enabled=false. You will start it in the Click event, after setting it up to start fresh.
You can add more Clocks later for other purposes.
You don't need those two variables (timer and timer_start) if you work from the CountdownNumber Picture value in CountdownClock Timer, and initialize it in the ButtonStart.Click event.
That Ball1 initialization code has to move from the Click event to the bottom of the
CountdownClock Timer if/then/else tree, to make it only run after the Timer has cycled all the way through.
Since the images you used for countdown was in the form of 3.png, 2.png .... it was easy to do it Otherwise I would have use if ... then statements ...
I have added a star which, whenever hit by the ball, it adds 5 points. However, I have noticed that the ball hits the left and right edges of the screen quite excessively. How can I fix this?