The protection of your blocks

I had posted the blocks of my app on the community forum , is it possible it can be removed to protect my Intellectual Property

Hello Herin

If you do delete your Blocks image, no one else on the forum will benefit from the technical support that you received.

Is how your code works truly unique, such that it could hold a patent, copyright or be a trade secret? If not, then it is not Intellectual Property.

Do you have a link to the Forum Topic concerned?

I tried to delete the blocks but I couldn’t

This is the right one . Broadcast hub (solved)


Those Blocks are a modified version of a tutorial, you really cannot claim I.P. - they would not be working now but for the technical support you have received.

I understand that but I will really appreciate if those blocks can be deleted and apart from that , my app is very much different from the original tutorial

The only pasty of the app that is similar is where people join the broadcast list , everything else were my idea

*part of the app

Is it possible that the pictures of my blocks be deleted ?

No response ?

hello @Herin_Love
the only way through which you can save your "Intellectual Property" from others is:-

  • Click on edit post
  • remove your blocks (the Intellectual Property)
  • then Click on save edit

This way you can save your Intellectual Property (from others)


Do remember to keep your treasure at the safest place :wink:
hope this would be helpful


Where can I edit post ??

well , very funny question

go to your post which consists your blocks then you see there a edit button , click & follow :pencil2: something like this .. but on the other side

Thank you , very helpful

i am glad that you are able to save your intellectual property from others now :blush:

Hello Steve JG,
I will like for you to delete a post that had a picture of my block . I am unable to delete because you were the one that posted it . Thanks a lot for your help

Broadcast hub (solved) This is the link

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