The compiler error output was [ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task [ReadBuildInfo] Task errored"

Im getting an error message "App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task errored" and i can not find an way to fix it, this is my .aia file.
Phone_app.aia (82.2 KB)

if the link does not work due to my permission level please tell me!

there were 2 projects inside your assets/external_comps folder... I removed the complete external_comps folder for you...

Phone_app.aia (6.7 KB)

Do you remember what you did ? Probably importing projects as extensions?
This could help MIT to fix this...


Ok thankyou! also all i did was import... oh, i found out you put projects in through a .aia but before i knew that i added the.. just nvm im new and i added .aia's to it too add them, before that i added some other file types, and it did not give me an error or add an exstention so i tried .aia and it worked.

Thankyou though!