Hi Community,
How to set the blocks that can show a "copy and paste" message when touching down the text on my MIT apps and copy the text to clipboard? As example shown in the image below.
Thanks !
You can use @Patryk_F LabelPlus extension
- These blocks set and return whether the entire label is clickable.
clickable - true - label is clickable, false - no clickable,
feedback - determines whether the click should be felt in the form of vibration or sound depending on the phone settings,
[blocks (86)]
[blocks - 2021-05-30T195137.952]
- This block sets the label text range as a clickable link.
hideLink - the text that will be returned to the Click event, if this text is empty, the method will return the click…
Thank You very much for your help, i will try to use it.
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