Technical Preview: Blockly v10 Update


I imported an aia with multiples blocks and detected that scrolling is SUPER fast compared with the actual AI2 and AI2test servers, I got an instant reaction vs a 3-second delay.

Now I don't want to go back to prod/test servers :smile:

I could not build the APK, not sure if that should be working.

I could not replicate the trashcan misses on my larger screen desktop PC.

However, I had the problem on my smaller screen laptop, where block widths were proportionally large compared to workspace width, and my WiFi connection may have added latency.

Duplicate a wide event block on a small screen device to try to replicate the problem.

Checklist_Help (1).aia (48.0 KB)

I tried, but I still haven't been able to replicate it. I'll keep trying, though.

I also reproduce this bug. Laptop with Windows11, Chrome browser, resolution 1920x1080. When throwing a block to the trash, the screen scrolls. On stable ai2 servers, there is no scrolling at all when throwing to the trash or moving elements. On the test server, there is probably some kind of autoscrolling that is needed when selecting multiple elements.

P.S. I was complaining about the trash can not accepting the block, not the scrolling, which I like.

P.P.S. And to be clear, it's the trash can behavior that I'm having trouble replicating.

I believe it has always been the case that the trashcan opening has been a function of the mouse pointer entering its hitbox. As far as I can remember, it's never computed based on the block's hitbox.

I think that the issue it that the trashcan is opening but the block isn't getting deleted when the block is dropped over the open trashcan. At least that's how it looks in his video. Do I have that right, @ABG?


Copy/Paste is rather sloppy on where it drops pasted blocks.

Here I went to the trouble of highlighting a likely open socket for the copied blocks, and then clicked on empty space near the target socket to get myself a right click menu. The Pasted block landed midway between my current cursor location and its Copy origin point.

What's the point of a sloppy Paste?

Paste where

Notice how long and crowded the right click menu has become. I have started to need my trackball's scroll ring to navigate it.

Here's me trying to hint the Paste option to drop into the open socket on my target block.
But the Paste option does not appear for the target block, only in whitespace.
Paste where

Here's an exported Project from the test server whose procedure calls lost their parameter names on import to the current AI2 server:

Note the procedures add_unique and remove in the procedures pallette vs their call blocks in the generic event.

data_diddler.aia (5.8 KB)

I am working around it by pullling fresh calls in and transfering the parameter values.
The procedure calls might have been corrupted by being inside that checkbox event when I made the enclosing event generic, and i didn't notice?

I'm afraid that we don't support forward compatibility (i.e. from a newer version to an older version). We are be much more concerned about AI2 projects that couldn't be properly loaded into the test server.


We just updated the Blockly update test server. If you have any issues with loading or saving projects that you previously created in the server, please delete the window or tab where you are using the server and then create a new one. You might also need to refresh the window/tab. If you still have difficulties after that please let us know.


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There is also a problem with 'External/Inline Inputs' & with 'Collapse'...

PS: I loved the [Ctrl - Z] :pray:



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5 posts were split to a new topic: Label is missing FontBold setter block

There is a problem with 'Duplicate'...



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There is also a problem with 'External/Inline Inputs ' & with 'Collapse '...

Is this an issue specific to the Blockly v10 Update server mentioned at the beginning of this topic (i.e. or is it also on the server?

Is this an issue specific to the Blockly v10 Update server mentioned at the beginning of this topic (i.e. or is it also on the server?

Both problems are only related to the server on the agenda, in this topic »




Thx. Any chance you could create a couple of .AIA files that contain the blocks that you're showing in each of your videos? That would make it much easier to replicate and diagnose the problems.
