TaifunFile FileList

Ich verwende TaifunFile um die Anzahl von Dateien eines Ordners festzustellen.
Ich habe 3 Dateien in folgendem Ordner.

Wenn ich aber folgenden Code ausführe erhalte ich im Label1 immer 0.

Daher wollte ich fragen, ob mir jemand weiterhelfen kann.
Vielen Dank

hat sich erledigt, da die Berechtigung der App auf den Speicher gefehlt hat

Remove the / in front of Android/data/...

Since you are trying to get file list from ASD, you can try GetFilesList block from below extension to get file list without permission.

Although both the extension does the same thing.

Android version?

On Android 11+ you cannot list the ASD of other Apps.

(Look at the packageName "com.mendhak.gpslogger". This is hardly an app built with AI2. And even if it were the own app, why would anyone hard-code the ASD?)

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Wie ich schon sagte, auch das Gewähren von storage permissions ändert nichts an der Tatsache, dass man zumindest auf Android 11+ keinen Zugriff auf ASDs anderer Apps hat.
Ich werde daher den Solution Marker entfernen, damit andere nicht unnötig verwirrt werden.

As I said, even granting storage permissions doesn't change the fact that at least on Android 11+ you don't have access to ASDs of other apps.
I will therefore remove the solution marker so that others are not unnecessarily confused.

@haiflosse can use SAF if it is really important for him to get access to asd of other app(s).


See here.


I am missing something, but we have had a discussion about it.
Let me share it again.


Apparently I missed something.
Yes, I remember vaguely again. But when and where was that? I think it was during my active "Kodular" time. I've lost track.

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So it is still possible to get access to ASD of other apps using SAF as of Android 13 but very soon this workaround will be blocked too. Google devs already identified and fixed it in Android 12 partially.

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