Taifun Wifi Extension wifi connect not work if using password

Hi There ,
I Have Googling to find out my problem but cannot get the answer.
I used Taifun Wifi Extension https://puravidaapps.com/wifi.php to search & connect to Available wifi network.

But my problem rise when I connect using SSID & PASSWORD, the connection never success

But if I set My access point to open network & I remove password from connect extension, the connection establish but only for few seconds & my phone connecting to another configured wifi network.

My phone use android 8 api 26

@Taifun Could you please help to solve this problem

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Ok problem solved ,


  1. The SSID NAME in my case it must be between 6 to 11 character
  2. The SSID NAME must be start with Character ( do not use number for first character)
  3. The Password must at least 9 character

now connection are made success fully

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