I am currently developing an android app that will be able to take a picture and set the file name of the image right after taking a picture. I have heard about this amazing extension which is called as Camera Extension by Taifun. I am planning to buy this extension, I just want to make sure if this extension is applicable to the app that I am currently developing. Hoping for your kind response, thank you.
The user of the app will take a picture of a particular place. Now, after taking a picture, the user will set manually the file name of the image right after the picture was taken so that the user will be able to recognize where the picture was taken through the file name of the image.
@Alireza_Sharifi you might want to add, that your solution only works, if you do not plan to upload the app to Google Play because of the manage external storage permission... just remove the activity starter part... also asking only for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission would be sufficient...and set DefaultFileScope in Screen1 to Legacy...
EDIT where did you find the AllFilesPermission property?
Storage permissions are not required on Android 11+ if you use the TaifunFile extension instead of the File component, so I would prefer this solution as I always try to avoid permissions whenever possible.
(There is no need to set DefaultFileScope = Legacy as the TaifunFile extension declares storage permissions in the correct way.)
I tried the AIA file you sent to me, and it worked. I have also tried it in Kodular, but it gave me an error message saying, "Error 201: Camera did not return an image". Does it work for App Inventor only?
In Kodular there is a bug with the Camera component.
I have already reported about this bug there and also about the countless other bugs (since the last update).
My solution/approach should also work on Niotron and other AI2 distros that are actually based on AI2.
I will not comment further on Kodular (for very good reasons). As a general rule, if you have questions about Kodular, ONLY ask them there.
Oh, I see... Thank you for the information @Anke and to others who shared their knowledge to me, I am now enlightened about the app I am currently developing. God bless you all.