Yes. it works well. How can I remove empty lines in it.
Please see this also if you can solve it and please tell me how to fix it.
Thank you so much Tim for helping me.4.csv (72.3 KB)
To remove the empty lines from your files, you will need to open each file and delete the empty lines.
I have had a look at 4.csv, I have been able to open it in two GUI text editors, a command line editor, Libre Office Calc and Google Sheets. What is wrong with it I do not know, could be one of many things:
- Right To Left setting
- Mix of Arabic text and English numbers
- Underlying document format - UTF-8 and BOM markers
- Something else....
I do not know
Hello Tim,
Could you please tell me what is the solution in your openion to avoid the problem. Is there another way to download the .csv files.
Thank you so much dear Tim.
You will need to work through each csv file to see if it is correctly formatted for download to AI2, fix the issues if there are any.
Hello Tim,
Kindly, show me some tips or instructions to know how I can test each csv file to see if its correctly formatted.
Try downloaded it to AI2, you have blocks/method for that, if it comes then it should be OK, if it fails, then you know it needs work.
Hola tengo el mismo problema.
Estoy leyendo las respuestas.
A qué se refiere con "una cita sin comillas?
Estoy viendo que he cometido el error de usar un archivo que contiene comas en sus datos.
Una pregunta:
En la fila 254 hay una "T" ¿Esas comillas dan problemas?
Also the comma in 266.
Please read the solution in this Stack Overflow thread:
Voy a intentarlo reemplazado las " " Por asteriscos * *
Hola otra vez.
Aumenté el tamaño de la lista añadiendo más elementos desde otra tabla de excel y me encuentro con el mismo problema.
Supongo que hay alguna celda con algún caracter no válido.
¿Hay alguna manera de localizar esos signos problemáticos? Mi lista tiene una longitud de 7865 y es complicado revisarlos uno a uno.
Otra pregunta. Los paréntesis dentro de las casilla ¿Dan este problema?
Muchas gracias.
Por favor necesito solucionarlo!
La longitud de mi lista es 7865 ¿Cómo puedo comprobar qué dato es el que me está dando problemas?
He quitado las " ", ( ), las comas....y no sé cuál es el problema.
Cuando intento cargar la lista, se cierra la aplicación.
try the first 4000 items
if 4000 work, then try the first 6000 items
if 6000 work, then try the first 7000 items
else try the first 5000 items etc etc.
else try the first 2000 items etc etc
another option
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Try first to replace or remove all the double quotes "
from your Excel file with find and replace. First try replacing with a single quote.
sí, eso ya lo hice. Las " ", las ' sencillas, las ( ), los ñ, ...hasta un signo de marca registrada...pero sigue dando problemas
Voy intentar cargar la lista de 1000 en 1000 para intentar ubicar el fallo en algún rango
I have done some testing with a google sheet using many of the special characters and punctuation i see in your screenshot of your excel file.
With all those in place, this comes down OK as a csv to App Inventor into a list.
Perhaps try uploading your excel to google drive then pulling it into App Inventor from there?
If you want, you can send me a copy of your excel sheet / csv by private message and i will have a look at it for you.
Hopefully fixed it:
I found bad characters in the text file in 16 entries. Little square boxes with 0080 and 0081 in them
I removed those bad characters. However, the text file would still not load as a list.
I uploaded the text file to google drive and opened it with google sheets.
I removed two extra rows at the bottom, and three extra columns on the right.
I downloaded the file as a csv. This file opens and works correctly.
Estuve modificando algunas cosas y con una etiqueta funciona, un VisorDeLista también funciona. Pero si intento usar un Selecctor de lista NO funciona.
Es como si el ListPicker tuviera un límite de elementos a cargar. ¿Crees que este pueda ser el motivo?
Intentaré modificar la apariencia de la aplicación para poder usar un visor de lista