Syllables pronunciation extension or service needed

It ain't no better than rhy-thm :smiley:


I tested the script with a list of 100 words with a result of 90 correct results.
however each language has its own rules (for example in Italian we have diphthongs with groups of three vowels) which make a 100% reliable algorithm impossible

The code for Spanish that I linked in #14 works fine for Spanish, the same code makes some mistakes in Italian: mo-stra, na-sco, se-gno, pe-sca, pe-sce, guรจr-ra... maybe you are interested in modifying it.

I saw your code that with some corrections works well also in Italian.however each language has its exceptions which make it impossible to develop a 100% secure algorithm.without a database support.

I am not knocking it, I think for general use and 95% of situations, this is an excellent solution :+1: