Switch and bluetooth

there was only one switch

Can you delete all of the set Switch.Visible blocks in the Blocks editor, and then setting them all to visible in the Designer?

If you don't want to, here is the 4th approach: Switch_3.aia (161.3 KB). Sorry for being annoying.

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thank you very much everything works now you can do for example all switches are on. If you disable any of them, then all switches should
it is blocked before all the characters have left, after sending they should open, and so with everyone, and when turned on, in short, all the characters should reach the microcontroller, if I explained crookedly, then let me know and try to explain again

can i implement this?

I do not understand what you are attempting to do here. Can you please elaborate more?

ok, that's all.
If you press the switch, then all the other switches must be disabled before all the characters have time to go through the bluetooth.

not characters but symbols

So when the user has turned on a switch, we disable other switches?

until the symbols have left and then must resume

Good, I am working on it.

Does this work?

Switch_4.aia (162.1 KB)

Everything worked, is it possible to do the same with shutdown

You mean, I do the same thing with switch off?

yes now you are done with turning on, now I need and with turning off

I can't always tell you the answer. Here is a tip -modify the blocks I added at the bottom of when any Switch. Changed and the when Clock 2. Timer events.

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