Can't generate that error here
Try this companion version
Try with other version of companion (272d4), reloading browser (even with other browsers) not worked. with any external extention I will receive the same error. Just give up on using this tool anymore. Thank you for help
You are saying you get the error with any extension you try ?
Let us check a few things:
Device Make and Model ?
Android 13 (you already said)
Can you provide the aia project where this generates the runtime error, or make an example one that demonstrates the same behaviour ?
I have added Ullis Roboter Seite 'AI2 UDP Extension' to a project and I received the error "Unable to load String index out of range: -1" when i tried to use The Companion on a simple app with only a label and the extension. When the extension was removed, it worked.
I also tried using extensions 'com.KIO4_UDP.aix' & 'p299K_UDP_v2.aia' on the examples by Juan_Antonio and also with simple apps, I got the same error message whenever the extensions where included.
I tried the Ullis example app 'UrsAI2UDPTest' with the Companion, again, with the same error.
When I built the example, and uploaded it, it performed well, but, I am still receiving the same errors whenever I try to use The Companion on the example.
Which Android device and Android version are you using for your tests?
Did you try
I tested these apps using Companion 2.73u on both an Android 13 and 10 with appinventor on Firefox 128.4esr(64) with Debian 12.
I have downloaded the version 2.72d4 with the link that you provided and the same error was shown as it was with the 2.73u Companion, and I then built the apk for the example and it worked well, but the Companion(s) still gives the error
Which devices are you using for your tests?
I have tried it on both devices
Just tested my cam64 extn demo app on Google Pixel 4a, Android 13 with companion 2.73u, and get the same error:
Unable to load start 1, end 0, length 0
Does not then load the app in companion. So it seems not a device specific issue, but a bug in companion 2.73 on Android <14 ? Also tested on other aia projects with extensions, getting the same result.
[EDIT - also tested on my Genymotion Emulator, which runs an Android 12 Google Pixel 3XL. This also fails to load an aia project with the same error.]
[EDIT - Compiled app works OK on these devices]
@MikeTemp and @F_H
Are these Sansung devices?
(using a Samsung A54 running Android 14 and do not have that issue)
My Android 10 is a Samsung Galaxy S9 SM-G960U
My Android 13 is a Galaxy A71 5G SM-A716U1
Today on android14 I noticed that resources are not being sent to companion. Although yesterday everything was fine on 2.73
I try on Samsung S20 FE 5G SM-G781B/DS. The problem still exists but not limited to only this. Lets see if this one resolves first then taking care of other issues.
Error adding extension: Unable to load String index out of range: -1
adb logcat: 11-21 17:32:37.527 16629 17117 D AssetFetcher: target file = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
This is happening with any extension
Android 11
tested on old Asus with Android 7 and Companion v. 2.73, on Honor Magic 5 lite and Companion v.2.73u and on Xiaomi Redmi 9 with Companion v.2.73 and with any extension

tested on
and ?
This worked fine on android 8 if i move it to a new tablet with Android 12 i get always the error
When i move the extensions then i run the companion.
Even if i remove the permission same result.