Steering Wheel Rotation 180° CW to 180° CCW

MAN_07A.aia (1.0 MB)

The code is perhaps not as streamlined as it could be, but I believe I have solved most of the issues we discussed.

I'm still having trouble determining the proper code for the TouchUp ResetWheel, Heading display function. It only displays when Dragged.

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MAN_08.aia (1.0 MB)

Still trying to code the Heading Angle for the steering wheels in a way that isn't dependent on either Drag or TouchUp.

As far as I can tell, the only access to "currentX" and "currentY" is from within the when___Dragged, control block.

I tried creating a universal set of globally initialized currentX & Y coordinates, but, being a newbie, I have so-far, been unsuccessful.

Does anyone have a suggestion of how to accomplish this function?



Hi Don

there could be a different, easier approach with an extension that can rotate an Image component. I have not tested it.

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