Status Bar Color - using Extension, Tools Extension

i need help on changing the status bar color to white. I uses "Tools Exetnsion" (App Inventor Extensions: Tools | Pura Vida Apps).

Please see the schreeshot, there is still black bar there.

my code is as show:
Screenshot 2023-05-30 11.33.32

Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you

How about using the Device. SetStatusBarColor block in this extension?

Thank you for replying...I try and see

I used the setstatusbarcolor but is not doing the work

...what happens if you remove the Taifun Tools extension and continue using the Device extension?

oh, i not using the device extension, my bad.
may i have the aix download link?

Scroll down way to the bottom of the first post, and you should be able to see the download section.


Thanks. Downloaded and installed.
didn't work.
Screenshot 2023-06-01 20.26.56

It now working as expected.
it my bad because i did not do set screen1 to show status bar to true.
Screenshot 2023-06-02 12.31.56