Splash Screen difficulties

I went into Canva and made an animation video which is about 5 seconds long. I downloaded it as an .mp4. I put a video player onto my screen1 and put the video, I got it to play the video when the screen opens and to switch to the second screen when the video was done. But I have a problem that I just can't get around right now, if the user taps the screen during the video, it opens the overlay to pause, rewind, etc. I don't want this to happen. When I was thinking to make this on my app, I was thinking about other mobile games or even games like GTA or CoD and I was thinking about how if you click on the splash or loading screen of any of those, nothing happens, even if its an animated video. Please help.

You could instead try playing the video in a webviewer using a simple html file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<video width="320" height="240" autoplay muted>
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">

This should playback automatically (no sound) and not allow any controls to be displayed.

Ensure that your html file and video file are in the same folder, you may need to use a full path to the video, regardless.


im completely new to this, i dont understand what you mean.

See this

vidSplash.aia (25.7 KB)

(Note: I had to convert the mp4 to a webm for it to playback)


i imported it, what do i do now?

Does it work for you ?