Smbmanager issue

ive been trying to setup the smbmanager for one day.
how do i upload things.
the uploader didn't work.
i need to upload.


Link to SMBmanager extension discussions might help.

Do you have the correct username and password? See the discussions,

no. its a form with remote path local path username and passowrd textboxes.

Let's assume, you are using the correct username and password...

Which local filename and remote path are you trying?


its for the 1.1 that i will end it next week

A screenshot of an empty form does not answer the question

Also you now changed the blocks for the Upload method... the local filename now is only the path to the ASD without filename...

What about trying to use correct values for local filename and remote path?


I need a more understandable answer

We also ... :wink:

every filename and remote path


localFileName = /storage/emulated/0/...filename :question:

as i said before. i asked how do i get working the smb uploader?

as mentioned previously

up to now you did not show us which local filename exactly you are using
EDIT: this question is important, because you do not have access to all directories... only to ASD and shared storage... see also Some basics on Android storage system
also how do you know the file you like to upload exists?


:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

As I asked before: