Slideshow application

He! I built this slideshow for displaing Bible passages jgp. Someone will be so kind to suggest me a simplest way to build a slideshow in which each jpg will be displaied only once, and with manual advancement like this one I post here?community.pdf (300.1 KB)
Thank you very much

Make a list of the names of your jpg files. Use the clock component to view each file in sequence.

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For manual advancement, either use a swipe mechanism or button to progress through the list. Decide what to do when a user reaches the end of the list though....

Will you be so kind to send me a photo of the blocks already built?
Thank you

Sample project:
image.aia (80.8 KB)

Dear Patryk thank you very much! If I do not ask yuo too much, I ask yuo bloks for slideshow in which each jpg will be displaied randomly only once, and with manual advancement , whit no use of clock. I will build this app freely and whith no advertissements. for displayng Bible passages, only for God's glory, will you put your help for this?

Share your aia project here, the app whose blocks you showed in the first post. Also write why you don't continue building the app with the method you demonstrated?

la_parola.aia (310.7 K)

This slideshow run as I want but play console request change about READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, as I am not able to do what play consol ask, so I search for an apk that run whithaut this permission request . Usually I delete permission By apptomarket, but In this case if I delete this permission the apk do no run .

Put the file list in the code as suggested in the sample app above.
la_parola (1).aia (310.7 KB)

Dear Patrik thank you very very very much!