June 10, 2024, 3:39pm
I am now confused as to what you are doing?
June 10, 2024, 4:06pm
OK, we are back where we started.
Show the entire responseContent:
Many developers often get stuck when trying to handle the response content from an online server after making a GET request using the web component. Those trying to help often ask to see the raw responseContent being returned. When using companion this can be copied and pasted to the community for those trying to help to use with debugging. This is how you might return that information / data to a label.
Do It Result:
""Name","Date of Birth","Age"
Have you correctly deployed the apps script ?
June 10, 2024, 5:31pm
And check that you have correctly deployed your app script:
Many developers are integrating their apps with a google apps script. Your AI2 app is not connected to your google account in anyway on your device, therefore, in order to be able to run the web app, you need to ensure you are using the correct...
The new google script editor works in a different way when you update/change the content of your script. If you make a new deployment, then it creates a new script url. We do not want this for our apps, we want the script url to stay the same! In...
June 10, 2024, 6:38pm
And again:
Many developers often get stuck when trying to handle the response content from an online server after making a GET request using the web component. Those trying to help often ask to see the raw responseContent being returned. When using companion this can be copied and pasted to the community for those trying to help to use with debugging. This is how you might return that information / data to a label.
Do It Result:
""Name","Date of Birth","Age"
Is it too difficult to set the responseContent to a Label, then get the content of the label and post it here ?
Also, have you checked that you have deployed your apps script correctly ?
The problem was solved (when I copy it to everyone)
I installed Crudq II, I want to use filtering instead of SQL query. How can I do it?
June 16, 2024, 8:07am
Explain what it is you want to do. The whole point of using SQL queries is to return the data you want...
So let me say, SQL stay, but I want to make a filtering option to the list.
By the way, I can't go without saying. "Crudq II" is great
June 16, 2024, 10:49am
1 Like
November 1, 2024, 9:14pm
thanks for your job . i am making my recipebook that exactly what I am looking for.
I would like to know if is there a maximum number of letters when you create a new record?
November 1, 2024, 10:30pm
A Google Sheets Cell can accept up to 50,000 characters.