Show MusicXML file in app inventor

Thank you ABG,
But, if you be Offline, when the App is running for the first time, it is NOT work and don't display any think.
when I connect to the internet and run the app, it work correctly, after this time, (it dont need to internet to display the output. I think it will read from browser cash.
can you check it?

Thanks a lot

I see why it did not work offline now.

Even though I captured a large .js file and ran it off the Media folder, I did not bother to look in the .js file for further attempts at web connection.
A search of the .js file in Notepad++ for 'http' found references to github and verovio, so this would require more time and Javascript than I possess.

So your choices are:

  • Learn more Javascript and recreate humdrum in its entirely locally, or
  • Manually create SVG files and load them at run time from the Media folder.

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