I want to use Shelly Button 1 ( Shelly BLU Button 1 - Bianco, Pulsante d'azione e di Scena Bluetooth, Domotica, App iOS Android, Hub Non Richiesto, Lunga Durata della Batteria, Indicatore LED, Buzzer, Ampio Raggio d'Azione : Amazon.it: Moda ) in my project.
In the past I have used Nutale buttons that have only one function (double click). Shelly buttons instead have single, double and long click. However, I can't figure out how to intercept the clicks, could you help me? I can't find any Notification service. I attach the screenshots of the BlueLights app.
Do you have any advice? Thanks everyone!
I found this page that has information about the Blu Button:
perhaps this will help
I'm sorry but in the object I wrongly write Shelly Button 1, the correct name is Shelly BLU Button 1 (I have corrected the object), this is a BLE Button.
You should probably get the Play Store app for this device.
Thank for the suggestion, I tried the APP and it shows the press action (see screeshot) but in the log there are no information about the service/characteristic used.
Characteristic UUIDs are here:
Yes thanks, the problem is that I can't find the UUID that gives me the click notification. There is only one service where I can activate the notification subscription on Lightblue, but when I click nothing happens.
It is probably:
*Sample BTHome data *
*Read *
Unencrypted BTHome data from the device
but it only works in read and the value (Hex) that it returns does not seem to change after a click.
In BLE, typically you Register for Bytes, and subsequently when the device sends Bytes, they arrive in a BLE ReceivedBytes event, as a list of decimal byteValues.
On the other hand,
Shelly BLU Button
Short device name: SBBT-002C
Functional description
The device transmits BLE advertising packets when button is pressed (1 or more times).
so you might have more luck with the BLE blocks that ask for advertisements.
They all have tool tips, from whatever .aix version you found.
The docs don't mention what form the advertisements take when returned (list of Bytes/string/?)
I found this:
But I really don't know how to manage it on MIT APP INVENTOR and I haven't found any explanations around....
I couldn't understand how it works even using the LightBlue app, BLE Scanner (which has the paid advertiser part) and nRF Connect.....
Here are all the blocks I found in the current BLE extension for scanning for BLE advertisements and retrieving them:
BLE_Advertisements.aia (198.7 KB)
Check their tool tips for documentation.
Thanks ABG, I would be happy with some examples of how they work but I can't find anything.
I have not seen any ble advertisement scanner apps either.
I recently posted a showcase app that lets you browse the built-in docs in the BLE extension, for what it's worth..
This long thread has loads of experience