i think i follow to a degree - so my spaces wont hinder me as they are now, but i may be misunderstanding on that regard.
I will probably try to catch this particular text by starting with a star "*", then changing that to a \n as only this info i want printed in the text box. currently i have this data updating twice a second as its necessary to do so - would that refresh speed cause any issues? originally i thought this was my problem, but i think you have showed me otherwise.
EXTREMELY useful info you are providing me here, and i do appreciate it.
Well, twice per second is marginal. If you display new data each time, you will not be able to read it! If you set the elapsed time for the Sketch @ 1 second, and set the App timer to 800 milliseconds, see how that goes first and then tweak for more speed if genuinely necessary - but you will no doubt hit a wall. Firstly, your microprocessor will slow down as it gets hotter and secondly, Android timers are mid-priority system events, so if you set the App timer to around 300 milliseconds, it may actually fire much slower than that. Certainly a good idea to ensure no other Apps are running.
solid advice - i will start slower and see where I hit the wall as i try to speed up the program.
excited to take a step closer to putting this issue to bed!!!
this is just a specific text box dedicated to sensor output data. i have an additional text box dedicated to all other incoming serial. this one piece of data that i screenshot i want to go to a specific text box only. otherwise it has worked very well - "very well".
the way i have the other text box set up is that when it gets to x amount of characters, it refreshes.
i want serial outputs from the arduino to be displayed in a list form to a degree.
if that makes any sense - the only issue i have is that depending on the length of each data piece, sometimes a few commands will print off screen before the text box refreshes. that's a minor issue i would like to correct at some point, but i don't want to burden you with the one at the moment!
that stuff i have had some fun with - before i figured out how to store data on the controller, i resent the data everytime the app was opened, and saved the data everytime it was changed while running.
LOL me trying to use the tinyDB function to store large amounts of data.
(errors are shown as I simply pulled this from the backpack)
Well, they do say you learn from your mistakes - I make a lot of mistakes and hence I know a few things
By the way, via the right mouse click menu in the Blocks work area, you can capture your blocks with "download blocks as image". This is a high quality zoomable image.
I don't see any place where you used the blue mutator to add extra local variable initializations. That would reduce the depth of your big brown onion.
Good evening - your advice worked great and now that value discussed above is correctly reading in and updating within the desired text box - THANK YOU! cross that off!
BUT, originally in the other lower text box the serial would come in in list form - basically the same way the snip of the code shows. now it comes in like a string, where the new text starts where the old text leaves off - attached are my function blocks.
is there a way around this where i could get this text to come in how its printed in the arduino IDE (again, previous to these changes, the text came in correctly - Serial.println would drop the code into a new line directly below the previous Serial.println text).
i'm sure this is also very simple and im just missing something!!!
what you instructed me to do worked great for the sensor readings. originally my other text box listed incoming serial like such (text box dedicated to notifications)
Serial.println ("hello");
Serial.println ("world");
text box output before:
text box output now:
hello world.
what am i missing here to keep each new line dropping under the next in the text box of Serial.println is called?
this bluetooth thing has kicked my hind end as you can tell.
Good Evening!
I was able to get everything sorted out - I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time and having the patience to help - especially because i'm sure you have answered a variant of my question many many times.
I'm actually a fairly well known youtuber with 150,000 subs and 35 million views - I do tech and tuning how to with classic v8 engines and carburetors/ignition timing. my handle is ThunderHead289.
I have followed a number of You Tube guides to fix various bits and pieces of my old merc, but my origins are the aircraft industry. As a young man I worked on Concorde, then various other aircraft as a designer. Almost the whole Airbus family has my work on wing stringers, for which I wrote a program on an Amstrad word processor
I have been looking over a couple of your videos on carburetors -totally professional in every way. You should have a dedicated TV show. Keep up the good work.
howdy Chris, I hope you are doing well!
I have gotten pretty far on my little side project as I have had a moment to pick it back up again, but I am having issues with one thing. this is my Bluetooth logic, at least as far as where I receive my serial data sent out from my microcontroller.
im printing the data in two different areas depending on what I receive, one being sensor readout, and the other being feedback for when BT commands are made or when automatic adjustments are made based on the setpoint target parameters (controller sends feedback after receiving BT command which is displayed)
the issue I am currently having is that when Im consistently receiving feedback info, my APP will lag behind on the serial data. for example, if I shut the controller off entirely during this period, the APP will continue to populate serial data for about 4 seconds - almost as if the phone had received it, but the APP couldn't keep up with printing it.
is there a way i could mitigate this to some degree - I attached my block logic. is this a loop time issue as if I have too much in my APP program? im just not sure.
any insight would be greatly appreciated!!
(I could slow my functions down in my controller so the data is sent less frequent, but i prefer the speed of its functionality as it currently sits)