Select multiple images

I'm trying to select multiple images at once with Activity Starter but it doesn't work. The extension doesn't work either.
Can anyone help me please ??

Which extension are you referring too?

Thank you, but i want to select multiple images from Gallery...

Maybe this might help

Does not work...
anyone who can help me?

This is what I have to do:
I have to select a series of images (more than one) arrived on a Whatsapp message and move them to another folder (without opening Whatsapp)

Hello, this is what I have to do:
I have to select - in the Gallery - a series of images (more than one) arrived on a Whatsapp message and move them to another folder (without opening Whatsapp).

Can someone help me?

Thanks a lot !!

If you're using image picker, is this what you're looking for?

Using file tools extension you can copy the file other destination.

but how do i select multiple images at the same time?

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As far I know you could not pick more than one image at a time, you need to pick images from "photos".

As previously said, multi-select from the image picker is not possible. You could, with some work, handle this programmatically using extensions:

  1. get the directory that holds the files
  2. generate a list of these files
  3. generate thumbnails of the images
  4. build a custom listview that displays both the thumbnail and file name of each image
  5. Use a second listview to capture selected items from the first listview
  6. Move all the items in the second listview list as required

For items 1-4 see here for how I did a similar thing

Simple Image Selector and Editor

So similar, as already shown in post 3.

caused by the combination of two topics into one :wink: