Select list item:list index too large

i am getting this error in my app using next button but the back button works fine.

this is my code blocks.

why i get bad new sorted error but in inverse new sorted using back button works fine.

The error message is trying to tell you, that you are trying to sort a boolean value false... you only can sort lists...

I recommended you already a few times to make your blocks more readable... unfortunately you ignored it...

@ABG said today in another thread

global data (worst possible name for a variable)

Your variable names are worse, same for your procedure names and component names


but if you see in the blocks. i dont work with boolean variables. i am working with a list. why i get boolean results?

if the inverse sorted list works with the button previous?

Make your blocks readable for yourself and others, then post again a screenshot of your relevant blocks
Sorry, I will not search for bugs in your mess
