ok thanks i will do that, but my error in my last question. why i am getting a list empty if this will be with elements inside the empty list? is very confuse.
i am getting the error but why the list empty prueba dont have the lists of images if in the block initialize i am set to the empty list the filelist taifun route of list files, why i get a empty list? or how can fix that?
and how can get a sorted list to order using ascend and descent about the name of every item that are in disorder. i like to get a sequence order using the alphabet or number order.
i see this example but this works with alphabetic and how can make that? and where can i add a sort list to get order every pick next or previously image
to get a sorted list of your images, use a new global variable, for example listSorted like this
set listSorted to make new sorted list from get global name
and use naming conventions to be able to understand your blocks yourself and easier spot errors...
for example rename your global variable name to listImages
and rename global variable prueba to listAllImages
btw it does not make much sense to sort an empty list, does it?