Search new photo and upload FTP

Attached .aia file: (label2: false)


Yes, label2.text : false :slightly_smiling_face:


What response do you get from GotUploadResult event?

(run APK)
MOD EDIT aia containing paid extension removed again!!
The FTP account is not set
Of course, I won't post it here

Why are posting aia file here?
I never gave you redistribution license so stop posting it.

You can pm me aia if blocks are not sufficient to solve the issue.

Oh, my deepest apologies. I'm really sorry! I did not think about it!

Anke has already given you solution here.

Thank you all very much for your help and patience. I really appreciate it. All my respect. And to vknow360, sorry again for posting!!!


I think it's the best FTP extension, from vknow360, I can only recommend it!!!
FTP Client extension

It has multi upload feature as well.

Only drawback is that you can't specify custom name for each uploaded file.

Grateful thanks!!!

Hi Anke. Since I got this code from you, I would like to ask you for some more help. We managed to get the application up and running just now, so it just turned out that it doesn't work completely well. My problem is that it creates the file list every time and uploads all the photos (2-3000 pieces) every time. It can be solved by creating a list of photos, uploading them, and then uploading only new photos from then on, which would be 1-10 per day. (incremental upload)

List the images from a certain date (i.e. since the last upload) and then only upload these. I know that there is at least one extension that, among other things, also has a FileX.GetDate method. So there shouldn't be a problem with that. Take a look at @Taifun's website. There you will find all extensions.

And please stop sending me PMs.

FileTools has this method.

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Try dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss to get in correct format.
Also I think it would be better to prepare list by checking millis.

Hmm, means?

FileInfo extension return date in different format so I thought you are saying both give different dates.

No not at all. I just said that there is at least one extension and therefore wanted to show at least two of them.

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