Search new photo and upload FTP

Search the forum for "FtpClient":

The point is not that you upload the .jpg when I take it with the application, I take the photo with the mobile phone's own application, and then e.g. at night, my "own" application would upload the new pictures.....



The idea would be something like that the application creates a database of the names of all the pictures on the phone, if it finds a new one, it uploads it.

So, my application should make a list of all the pictures on the phone, and then e.g. search for new photos at night, if you find them, upload them. (sorry for my english)

Example for /DCIM folder & sub-folders:

Of course you can do it with all folders, because you can access media files from any location on all Android versions.

So you can also list all JPG files from the root dir of the external storage & all sub-folders in just one step (the same way as I've shown). Of course the app need READ permission on all Android versions.

See also here:

Thank you very much!!! You are very big!!! I did it with another extension. I don't know why, but the application stops with the error "index too large" or "Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0: []". What have I done wrong?
The FTP extension:

Learn to debug your project

use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools

Check, if there are files in the file list before trying to upload

Are you sure, you like to copy all images into your ASD? Your device storage might be full soon...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Hello everyone!
Well, that's almost good. It automatically connects to ftp, automatically prepares the file list, and automatically uploads it. But, if a new image is added to the folder, a new list is not created, so it is not uploaded. And if I generate a new file list, it starts uploading all of them again, not just the new images. The extension I'm using doesn't have a GotUploadResult method, would using FtpClient automatically solve my problem above?

Hello. I restarted this project but it doesn't work. FTP connection is fine (must be set in the attached project)
(label2: false)
What did I screw up or what am I missing?
MOD EDIT: aia project removed because it contains a paid extension

Android version? Companion and/or APK?

Note: On Android 13+ you must request READ_MEDIA_IMAGES instead of READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

Android 11, Campanion and apk
Other GooglePlay ftp app works

Show your (relevant) blocks.

Not error:

There is no WRITE permission on Android 11+.

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission does no longer exist on Android 11+.

Any possibility, solution?

Any solution for what? What exactly is the problem / error (message)?

Attached .aia file: (label2: false)