Now however (and I should have mentioned this before) I have a number of different check box lists and for some reason in some of them when I change one list it is changing the checkboxes in a different list but in the corresponding checkbox e.g. 5th and 5th, 9th and 9th.
Is there a way to fix this or have I been too ambitious by replicating the any checkbox function? I have checked and they look as though they are pulling the info from the relevant TinyDB.
Will do when at home. Also when I build the app and scan the QR code and download it to my phone hardly any of it is there. Works perfectly on the companion.
You have at least two TinyDB components, RidesMagic and PrincessDB,
using the same tag scheme ChkBxnnn.
Examine the NameSpace attributes of the two TinyDbs in the Designer.
Have you changed the NameSpaces yet to send them into different XML files behind the scenes? Or do they still both point to TinyDB1.xml, sharing the same NameSpace?
Hi Can you tell me how to read data in this code but to work with Firebase? I can save data to Firebase but have no idea how to read it . Cant do that like here when screen initialize...
It doesn't work either...
With Tiny DB it was easy, at startup screen auto load state of checkboxes. Now i need to do it with online DB and I have this problem from two days...
Yes but In my code there is a list of checkbox with value true if cheked and false if not. In Fire base I see tags eg. CheckBoxN11, CheckBoxN12 ...... with value "true" etc... But problem is with reading that . I messed up something with my code when i tried to change from TinyDB to Firebase