Save issue on samsung s20

Three files are to be saved. the first and 3rd are save fine. The second fails.

Do It Result: ECG_Save2021/11/13 16:41--Long.jpg

Do It Result: ECG_Save2021/11/13 17:08--Short.jpg
--- (This Fails)

Do It Result: ECG_Save2021/11/13 16:41--Data.csv

Maybe there is something about Taifun screenshot?
PS: i granted the "permission to write to external memory" on screen initialize, but nothing changed.

are you using the latest version 2 of the screenshot extension?
does the example project work for you?


Of course, because the (sub) folders don't exist.

The TaifunScreenshot.FileName should be e.g. like this:


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No, It's V.1.
How can I upgrade it?
If I remove the old one, all related blocks are deleted. I cannot import the new one because there is another one.

So why the other ones work? with exactly the same syntax

Have you tried changing the filename as shown?
If so, does it work? I think so.

Import the new version and magically it will upgrade the previous version



in this case do it manually like this


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If importing of an extensions fails:

Watch the gif animation here and try the aia, then you will understand:

Thanks. The saving problem was solved.

Thanks :relaxed: :relaxed:

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