Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

Yes, I confirm. We place d8.jar for java 11 version, install java11 and we can compile extensions in java11 environment. We only do not have methods from java11 because they are not in android.jar library.

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Is it possible to use androidx:room with rush for using sqlite-database? So far I have included room-runtime-2.6.1.jar into deps directory, but I have difficulties with the annotation processor

i have developed extension using rush. but the error is while building the app. this error shows.

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task errored

why this error? pls tell how to solve

How does one uninstall rush?

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Deleting these directories should remove Rush from your system:

  • Windows:
    1. %userhome%\.rush
    2. %appdata%\rush
  • Linux:
    1. ~/.rush
    2. ~/rush
  • MacOS:
    1. ~/.rush
    2. ~/Library/Application Support/rush
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Alright Thanks a lot!! :sparkling_heart:

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