Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

From where can i get onesignal jar files

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The majority of the dependencies can be resolved from the Maven, included OneSignal libraries.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Trying to compile an extension

The last update of Rush is from 2021 as far as I know. How can we compile with the current SDK?

You need to manually update the libraries in your Rush environment by downloading them from the ai2 sources on github.

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Besides, this is not a topic for correcting faulty code. Here you can report bugs in Rush, what you show are not bugs in Rush operation.


Rush is giving this error

In fact i set the @SimpleFunction block in the code.

Kindly go through this thread, you will find the solution. Set java 8 path as environment variable

Already Setted up,

Now the rush giving empty error.

I think that's happening because a newer version of java is being used?

I am using JDK 8u421

Are you using any class file that was created in a newer version of java?

No i am not using that.

java -vesion && javac -version and show the result

What IDE are you using to write the code?

VS Code

I had the same error with VSCode and Android Studio, apparently it was due to a bad configuration that I had previously before installing Rush.
But I installed Intellij IDEA putting it in Java 8 and it worked perfectly.
I'll tell you about my experience, maybe the same thing happens.

I compiled code same code with niotron, successfully worked.

Yes, I was also racking my brain for that reason, it worked on Niotron, but not on Rush, until I did that, but your situation may be different, you could try it and see what happens.