Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

Ah, that's sad. :cry:

I am trying to create an extension that uses an sdk
I downloaded as an aar
Converted it into zip and extracted the classes jar file from it
I then added it to deps folder and the rush yml file Tried to build it error that package has not been found please help
PS I am using Jdk 8 and rush

When you extract a .jar from an .aar then in some cases you'll not be able to access all the features and the methods as .aar also includes the resources which aren't yet supported by App Inventor for building extension, yet it's available for in-built components

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From where can i get onesignal jar files

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The majority of the dependencies can be resolved from the Maven, included OneSignal libraries.

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Trying to compile an extension

The last update of Rush is from 2021 as far as I know. How can we compile with the current SDK?

You need to manually update the libraries in your Rush environment by downloading them from the ai2 sources on github.

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Besides, this is not a topic for correcting faulty code. Here you can report bugs in Rush, what you show are not bugs in Rush operation.


Rush is giving this error

In fact i set the @SimpleFunction block in the code.

Kindly go through this thread, you will find the solution. Set java 8 path as environment variable

Already Setted up,

Now the rush giving empty error.

I think that's happening because a newer version of java is being used?

I am using JDK 8u421

Are you using any class file that was created in a newer version of java?

No i am not using that.

java -vesion && javac -version and show the result

What IDE are you using to write the code?

VS Code