Runtime Error
Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘java.lang.String android.content.Intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(android.content.ContentResolver)’ on a null object reference Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
which Android device and Android version are you using for your tests?
did you try another Android version?
PS: I removed the direct download links and replaced them by the link to the extension on my webpage… direct download links are not allowed according to my terms and conditions… thank you…
The sequence of steps preceding the error message:
• Open the project in my PC
• Click on “Connect”
• Select “Reset Connection”
• Select “AI Companion” ( … QR code/appears)
• Scan QR Code in the Phone
• As soon the scan is complete and
• the App’s screen displayed in the phone
The error message is seen in both the PC and the Phone.
I will try, the example project, in another device, as you suggested, and will let you know of the outcome.
And, I might most likely have used the speech recognizer component from the media drawer without any problems a while ago; I will confirm later today.