Replace one item of .csv file

Thank you so much Anke for the great job.
I will test it and let you know how it works.
Thank you :slight_smile:

Why? Maybe I didn't understand the purpose of your app ...

I have tested with your it’s fine.
But when I have replaced the names of csv into Arabic Language then zip it and upload it into Media asset, it change the names of csv file after unzip it.

sorry, I don't understand what you mean ...
post your aia

There is message say:
Sorry you cannot post a link to that host.

I have update the above link with new aia
Please have a look:

Hi all,
Is there any way to download .zip file from google drive and how can I download it please?

Thank you.

Hi Osama,
I moved your new thread into your old one… please continue in your existing thread… thank you…
also please try something yourself and show your relevant blocks… you already know how the community works…