But they are all in google drive, so you just have a list of 1000 in your links.csv file.And you download one by one ? - you could break up the list to a more manageable list of lists ?
If you need to download 1000 all in one go using the file by file method, I suggest you do it in batches of 50 - 100, depending on their size, or just download a file as needed ?
Your suggestion is the best idea to create a zip file and download only that zip file then unzip it using the zip extension. But I don’t know how to do it because I don’t have an example with more details. And .aia in the link https://puravidaapps.com/zip.php has different example. I will try to create a small example. Thank you Taifun and TimAI2
The zip file and unzip the file is pretty easy but I am confusing how to recreate the path in order to download the zip file into it then unzip that file in the same path /download/box
Try this
(for example: I put csv.zip (1.csv, 2.csv, 3.csv) into the assets, you have to download it first from https://docs.google.com/uc?... to: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Box/csv.zip):
Hi Anke,
I have done the blocks but I think I am still confuse. I need to download every single .csv file when the user select any item from ListPicker individually and not all files at one time
Please have a look to my project.
… download my aia, build APK, install it, open the app (nothing else) and check if inside this folder /storage/emulated/0/Download/Box/csv/
these 3 files exist:
I have tested with your csv.zip it’s fine.
But when I have replaced the names of csv into Arabic Language then zip it and upload it into Media asset, it change the names of csv file after unzip it.
Hi Osama,
I moved your new thread into your old one… please continue in your existing thread… thank you…
also please try something yourself and show your relevant blocks… you already know how the community works…