I did not use "/ " anywhere in the database, I used simple and direct firebase database, "store" at the sign-in page and "get" in the app. Just as you've seen in the aia.
I have multiple firebase for deferent purposes, but the most concerned among them is in the fairebase bucket "mobile" firebase tag=moblie, value="moblie number",
Good morning,
It's like I understand what you are trying to tell me, I registered 3 users , 2 with referral code of the first user, but the second reffer replaced the first one.
It does not matter, All I want is to get the 2 firebase buckets to one page.
Or just give me any other better option as the Screen_dump_firebase page you gave .
Let's say you registered four users, A, B, C, D.
User A referred users B and C.
User C referred user D.
Then the referral tree should look like
(referral database)
These are the Firebase tags and values to set to create these branches, leaving Project Bucket set at the base of the tree ...
JOIN("A", "/", "B") : 0
JOIN("A", "/", "C") : 0
JOIN("C", "/", "D") : 0
Use the blue mutator to add sockets to the text JOIN block.
I can't really understand this explanation, how will I register users, how IAM i going to set up the tree, will I create more text boxes to represent users or when users sign up, will I fix the joint on the fairebase bucket block or how. can you pls show the blocks for more understanding.