Reading Response Headers

I guess I'm having the same problem as you do @Crownir.
I need to read something in the "ResponsHeaders" as well as shown here

and for this reason (in 60 sec., the app can only fire 120 http-requests at their servers)

So I have installed your extension @Juan_Antonio ( well done, great job by the way :ok_hand: :+1:).
and played around with it a bit.
I've replace the all the commands in your "commands.txt" with only one line, being the curl command I need and uploaded the file again.
After I installed curl on my win10 computer, it worked just fine and I got the headers from curl.

So I tried that command in the emulator or your "Extension_Terminal" @Juan_Antonio , didn't work.
Compiled from the .aia and it didn't work either on my phone.
So I guess, as TIMAI2 says:

You would need to have curl in your /system/bin (on your phone) for this to work.

I've found this @Crownir:

if curl can be installed on the phone (if it's not already on it, that is) and in combination with the "KIO4_terminal" extension, the ResponsHeaders might be retrieveable.

It might be a work-around....

To bad the "Web" component can't be used directly to retrieve the ResponsHeaders.

Did you run the command on the extension that returns all the available commands ?

ls /system/bin

If you control the number of requests you make (to under 120 per minute) you should be OK, i can’t see a reason for needing these back from the server…

From your link:


Yes, indeed, correct.
But when for example the app uses a “slider” to control the brightness of the lightbulb, it needs to be on the fly, sending each time a http-request.

Tried the “ls /system/bin” command, but came up empty, although “system” isn’t.
also tried the “curl --version”, which didn’t show anything.

EDIT: Guess the slider is off for the moment and as you’ve stated, I’ll control it myself.
Although I find the extension very usefull. See if I can play around with it, later on.

Hello E.V. , it is more convenient to work directly with the Terminal block

Hi there,

so, I don't know if it solves your problem, but I had a similar problem during working throught this great tutorial of METRIC RAT AI2 (see link below) and solved it with text manipulation.
Firebase with a web component
Saying in advance, my solution only works if the syntax of the response content is always the same (you need to proof that in advance!), therefore it's a little bit risky!

Here comes my solution:
I sent authentification data (should also work with PUT/PUSH/GET/DELETE into a database, just a different URL) into a Firebase console via a web-component.
I do not use the experimental Firebase tool, just pure URL-stuff.
Doing so I was able to read the responses via a programmed "set variable to response-content of the web-component"-function (don't know how it it's exactly called, look into the screenshots, you'll see what I mean).
Afterwards I read the strings of the variables, which contain the web-component responses and always have the same syntax.
Let the "starts at"-function search for the exact starting positions of key-headers before and after your content and add or subtract the numbers to the starting-/ending-position of your content.
It's a little bit of trial and error, that's why I displayed everything on the screen with labels, the pure response and my text-reading-results, to see which numbers work, but in the end it worked.
What I get as a result is the exact start and lenght of the content, so that I'm able to set variables to exact this content with the "segment"-function.
If you want to use those contents, you can easily join the contents into a URL to PUT/PUSH/GET/DELETE content in your database.

Edit: If for some reasons your database doesn't allow data-manipulation throught URL-requests, this solution will not work. Instead, you can use a Javascript file running on a server, which can be called with the webviewer component.