Raspberry Pi Camera control via Bluetooth

Hi all, I'm wondering if it is possible to communicate between AI2 and an RPi via Bluetooth. My idea is to create an app that controls an RPi Camera connected to an RPi Zero W, via BT. In RPi I'm currently using the Pi Camera Module to control the Camera. The idea is to set the many parameters available and control the Camera capture modes (photo and video). Any suggestions? Thanks

EDIT: RPi Zero W using Raspbian
EDIT: RPi Zero W has Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

That will be an interesting project!
You should write down for yourself what the commands are that you want to send to the RPi and what the BLE communication should look like.
It looks like a doable project. The basic problem is probably to find out what the various BLE UUID's are that you will need.

I'm not an expert but probably I'll start with some basic Python code (it should be not so hard using EduBlocks) as Raspberry side for receiving/sending BT commands. For the AI2 side I suppose I'd start with some BLE extension (I found this one right now).

The extension in this tutorial is deprecated and is likely to mislead users who follow this tutorial. Then their app doesn't work as it should.

Here is the latest version of the BLE extension:

Here is the latest officjal version of the BLE extension:

Many thanks