QR Decoder works from Companion but not as apk

make sure to import only one of these extensions into your project... my guess is, the extensions are not compatible, most probably because they are using the same library

also what about telling us more about the compile error? why not providing some screenshots?


Thanks. I will try with only one extension.
The only message I get when the build fails is the one reported near the beginning of this discussion. I don't believe it has any useful information.

I had 2 QR extensions plus the App Inventor Barcode Scanner in the app. I removed the AI Barcode Scanner and the ScanView extension and then it compiled -- so thanks; you were right. However, upon running the APK, it just closed the app without results.
I added the AI Barcode Scanner back with the QR extension and the compile failed, so I removed it again.
In troubleshooting I found that the APK was closing because the QR decoder block could not find the file path that was returned by the Image Picker. When I forced the file path used by the Gallery (using a text block), the app worked.
As seen from the 2 screenshots below, the Image Picker returns what looks to me like a full path but not the path to the image in the Gallery that the decoder block is apparently expecting. How can I resolve this?

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Feeding to the decoder the path /My device/DCIM/QR_Codes did not work but expanding it to
/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/QR_Codes did work.