Projects lost due to email change

As others on this forum, I lost all my projects after I changed my Google account email address.

It's been 6 days and I still have no response.
Thank you for your help.

Is not that obvious?

See here what to do

PS @Susan_Lane ?

I'm sorry, I don't wanted to be rude.
I'm french, so my spelling might be incorrect.

I don't want to be impolite and send a private message without the staff asking. So I opened a ticket and was waiting for them to ask me.

Anyways, thank you for your response.

I'm not sure to understand.
I changed my email address, I have no option to change my email back, and no possibility to login with email.

So... No, not really.

Don't worry, you are not

And an additional tip for you: backup your projects yourself... don't rely on any internet service provider...

Why backups are important see also here MIT App Inventor 2 Tips – TWO DOG APPS


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Thank you for your kindness and for helping!

I can transfer your projects to a new Google email address. Please send me a private message with the following information:

  1. Your old email address
  2. The new address where you want the projects transferred
  3. A description of the projects in the account.

You can send a private message by clicking my avatar picture and clicking the Message button.

(I have no idea why my list is in monospace font.)

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