In this example, Button1.Click will display an empty message. How can I make the procedures that follow File2.ReadFrom to wait until File2.GotText finishes reading the text? Please help.
Thanks ABG! But that limits Files.GotText to work with Button1.Click only. I want to use global_temp for some more procedures after the Notifier1.ShowAlert AND other buttons. Is there a way to make those procedures wait until File2.GotText finishes reading the text? (Sorry I wasn't clear)
Unless global_temp is meant to hold a temperature, it sounds like you are creating a Gordian Knot, a complicated structure that can't be untied.
What are the files for?
Are they meant to all be read at Screen startup (Initialize)?
What are the Buttons for?
Set a variable (the same one) for each button or procedure that you want to use, then test the value of the variable in File.GotText to elicit the correct response. will display "Name1", and will display "Name2", and so on. Anyway, TIMAI2 suggestion is a little hard to follow when you debug, but it works. Thanks.
I get the feeling that this isn't over.
It's over. I take it as there isn't a way to "wait until .GotText finishes reading".
That is what the GotText event block does
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