Problem with Google Sheets Updating

Hello everybody! I'm currently experiencing difficulties with updating data in my Google Sheets.

What I'm attempting to accomplish is as follows: when the user presses the "Scan QR code" button, I want to set the value "Preparado" in the Google Sheets. Then, with another button from the same interface (data entry in the Google Sheets), I want to set the data in a different column as "Retirado". I have attempted this, but it is not working correctly as it adds data to the Google Sheet, but not in the desired row.

Here are some photos of what I Do:

I apologize for any mistakes in my English.

Not sure how this url is ever going to work ?


You mean that I have to use all de join I use in other button? I only want to add data in the same row in a new column. Keeping the same info and status already inserted @TIMAI2

You will, at the very least, have to use this part of the url:


You may need to set empty values for the other elements of your form

But that will made another insert another row in the form, I only want to add the extra column to the existent rows, because we are going to change the satus of the same shipping items. @TIMAI2

OK, I am with you now :slight_smile:

It is not possible to do it the way you propose.

@Taifun demonstrates a way to update an existing record using google forms and google apps script. See here:

You could also consider other methods:

  1. Use the native Spreadsheet component for Google Sheets
  2. Create a Google Apps Script Web App to handle your data (CRUD)

Thanks! Will take a look! Sorry for my bad english!