Problem with Google OAuth2 and Firebase REST API: Missing Initial State Issue

I am currently using Firebase Authentication in my app and have successfully implemented email/password login functionality. Now, I am trying to add Google OAuth2 sign-up and sign-in capabilities.

I have been following the official Firebase REST API documentation:

According to the documentation, the following request should be sent:

curl '[API_KEY]' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-binary '{"postBody":"id_token=[GOOGLE_ID_TOKEN]&providerId=[]","requestUri":"[http://localhost]","returnIdpCredential":true,"returnSecureToken":true}'

My question is, where and how can I obtain the id_token value in the postBody of this request example?

As mentioned, I am trying to implement both sign-up and sign-in using Google OAuth2.

I have attempted to obtain the Access Token using the following request and use it as the id_token value (replacing [GOOGLE_ID_TOKEN]) in the postBody:[My_Project_OAuth_Client_ID]&redirect_uri=[Secret_Key]

I have configured the necessary credentials in the Google Cloud Console.

However, when I make this request, the following message is displayed in the web browser:

Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared. Some specific scenarios are - 1) Using IDP-Initiated SAML SSO. 2) Using signInWithRedirect in a storage-partitioned browser environment.

This issue occurs in both Android and Windows Chrome.

Below are my blocks. The blocks inside AfterActivity are not executed. In case you are wondering, the reason I used WebViewer was to test if I could extract the required values ​​by setting the homeurl of the WebView to redirect_uri. Also, the blocks inside WebViewStringChange are not executed.

I am wondering if I am following the correct approach and if I am missing any steps.

Could you please provide guidance on this matter?

Thank you for your assistance.

Could you stop posting multiple topics with the same question. This is your third time. This is not allowed.

I'm sorry. After I wrote the post, I found out that it contained sensitive information. I could edit the post, but I knew that the history would remain, so I just deleted the original post and wrote it again.

The native webviewer may not be up to the task.

You might try using one of these extensions:



Both of which will provide for session storage (or local storage )

Thank you. TIMAI2
After seeing your answer, I changed the activitystarter of my original block to customwebview. The Google login page appears, and when I log in, I successfully log in to Google via firebase authentication.
However, the Google login page asks for login ID and password every time. I want to display a list of accounts that have already logged in and let me select one from the list.

I also tried enabling JS of customewebview and setting cachemode to -1, but the result is always the same. Is it because of customwebview?

I think my problem is the same as the problem you answered in the article below.

Can you guide me in more detail on your answer in the article above?

Ensure you have local/session storage enabled in CustomWebView.

You may need to remove more than just ; wv in your user-agent, I also had to remove Version/4.0 and Mobile for things to work in WebViewExtra. You might also consider a complete user-agent replacement: Device Atlas

You would know if you were getting the user-agent disallowed message...

Thanks for the reply, but I don't understand this. I'm using customwebview, does it have to do with the webviewextra extension? Do I just remove the 'Version/4.0' and 'Mobile' strings, like I did with the '; wv'? I wanted to try it myself and ask, but I'm out right now.

Yes, try it...

note: the customwebview (and the webviewer) need to be signed in to a google account (or accounts) in order to retain the "signed in" status when revisiting. Also ensure that cookies are working correctly for this to happen.